Shade Tips

Read these 14 Shade Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Lawn tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How can a small shady garden appear larger?

Creating depth

Shady gardens can tend to look small. Use plants with bright colors or bold textures in the foreground of your plantings and place paler colors and finer textures in the rear in order to provide the appearance of depth in your yard.

Is there a favorite shade plant?

Shade Plants - Impatiens

Everyone's favorite shade plant and for good reasons are Impatiens. Plants grow 15 to 37 centimeters tall and bear brilliant flowers in profusion right through the entire season. Fiery reds, pinks, oranges and whites in single and two-tone colors are available, although not all varieties are shade lovers. Check with your local nursery before purchasing.

What advantages are there to shade gardening?

Advantages to shade gardens

There are many advantages to gardening in the shade. Shade loving plants have a lower metabolic rate and grow at more leisurely pace than sun loving plants. Because of this, they require less water and fewer feedings. Without the bleaching rays of the sun, flowers emerge more slowly, last longer, and provide more vibrant color over a longer period of time.

Why are there more fungi in the shady parts of the garden?

Fungi occurance in shade gardens

Lack of sun in a shade garden means plants and soil take longer to dry and the trees and shrubs that create shade reduce air circulation and increase humidity, creating conditions that fungi love.

What can I do about sandy soil?

Adjusting soil conditions in shade gardens

If your soil contains either too much sand or clay, it can be conditioned using the same process for both problems. Spread 2 inches of soiless mix, compost or a 3 to 1 mixture of peat and vermiculite over the surface. Dig deep; dig again; and rake to a smooth, finely particled surface. Next, set a small wide-mouthed jar in the middle of your garden, turn on the sprinkler, and don't turn it off until the jar has 1 inch of water in the bottom. Then, wait a day or two before planting.

What would be the most element of a shade garden?

Important element of a shade garden

The most important element of a shade garden is plant shape and texture. Interest is achieved mainly through foliage. Combine different leaf shapes and textures throughout the garden.

What are some plants that do well in shade?

Shade Plants - Coleus

There are many shade plants to choose from. Try planting my favourite, Coleus, which does well in dappled or medium shade. Coleus comes in a tremendous range of foliage colors, shapes, and sizes. Leaves may be velvety or rough, and deeply notched, round or full on plants that range in height from 15 to 90 centimeters! Remember to remove the pale blue flowers as they appear and pinch out stems to encourage bushiness.

Do you have some tips for placing plants in a shady garden?

Color and shade

When planting in a shady area, place light colored plants at the back and darker colors at the front. This gives the garden better perspective.

How can I have “color” in a shade garden?

Color in a shade garden

Most of your color in a shade garden will depend on plants with colored foliage. But don't worry, many plants such as hostas, ( Hosta spp.) and Japanese maples ( Acer japonicum ) actually show their best color in the shade. And don't forget plants with variegated foliage to add color to a garden. Variegated foliage can be overdone, but when used as highlights throughout the garden it can bring the appearance of light to dark corners.

What are some tips for choosing plants in a shade garden?

Tips for choosing shade plants

Many shade plants tend to be low growers so make a conscious effort to select plants in varying heights to mimic the levels of a forest (groundcover, understory, and canopy).

What soil should I use for shade gardening?

Soil requirements for shade plantings

The best soil condition for shade gardening is a porous, well draining growing medium--a loose woodsy-type soil. Without exposure to the dehydrating rays of the sun, soil stays wet longer and since few plants tolerate pooled water at their roots, the water must drain easily into the subsoil.

What are some design tips for a shady garden?

Design tips

Shady gardens can be challenging not just in getting plants to grow properly in them, but to have them look fresh and interesting. Begin by mapping on paper (or in your head) the areas of sunlight in your yard… there has to be some! These areas can be used to plant flowering plants that do well in “partial” shade.

How much should I water a shade garden?

Watering your shade garden

Over-watering your shade garden can cause powdery mildew and root rot. Water your shade garden thoroughly and don't water again until the top 1 inch or so of soil is dry to the touch.

How can I prevent fungus in a shady garden?

Controlling fungi growth

Fungal growth can be prevented by applying an organic fungicide about two weeks earlier than you would normally apply a fungicide to the sunnier parts of your garden. Use it every 10 days from early summer until frost, and it will stop fungus before they start.

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Carma Spence-Pothitt