Ponds Tips

Read these 29 Ponds Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Lawn tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How can I add to the overall look of my water garden?

what to plant around a pond

When planning a garden, it's worthwhile to pick elements that will add interest throughout the seasons. Your water garden is just part of the overall garden design. Well-proportioned shrubs, perennials and annuals planted around the water garden make a natural backdrop.

What are oxygenerators?


Oxygenerators - These sometimes feathery, sometimes coarse, fully submerged plants are indispensable for healthy clear water in your water garden. Because they feed on dissolved mineral salts-the same nutrients that sustain algae-algae is starved out.

What causes algae to grow in a pond?

What causes algae?

Factors that increase the growth of algae in a garden pond are:
Too much sunlight because of shortage of water plants to provide shade; water that is too warm because there is not enough shade or the pool is too shallow; and water that has too many dissolved nutrients, on which algae thrive.

How difficult is it to keep a water pond clean?

Keeping a pool clean

You should not expect a garden pool to have the sterile clarity of a swimming pool, but on the other hand, you don't want green soupy water.
Algae is the main problem. The bright sun that helps the water plants thrive will contribute to algae bloom and heating of the water. Overheating of the water can be a concern if you add fish. Plan on extra maintenance if you locate your pond by a tree because of falling leaves, etc. that may blow into the pool.

Are there natural methods to prevent algae growth?

Natural methods to prevent algae growth

Once plants grow they can provide shade for your pond, which lowers the temperature of the water and, also, the plants will consume excess nutrients. If you have plants and fish, try to aim for a 50 to 70% plant coverage on the water surface. Check your pH---too high or too low can affect algae growth. Do not be tempted to change the water since this will provide more dissolved nutrients for the algae to feed on. Also, the sudden change in temperature will be harmful to plants and fish. The addition of chemicals will clear the pool, but once the effectiveness of the chemical is gone, the problem will recur. Use them with care, if you must.

What type of plantings can be added around a garden pond?

Suggestion for plantings around pond

Plant small deciduous trees, such as the cut-leaf sumac, Japanese maple and weeping grey birch around the water garden. They will provide light shade for the pond in the summer and their bare branches will add a whimsical quality to a winter landscape.

What are the depth requirements for water plants?

Depth requirements for waterplants

If you want to grow hardy water plants such as water lilies, bulrushes or marsh marigolds, or if you want fish, your pool should be at least 18-24 inches deep. Although floating plants such as water hyacinths and water lettuce will grow in a small shallow pool, 6-8 inches deep.

For a first time pond keeper, what material would you recommend for bu

Advantages to pre-formed pools

Prefabricated –preformed pools are expensive, but very strong and durable.
This is a good option for most pond keepers to start with. They are available in a number of shapes and sizes and come in fiberglass and PVC.
Pre-formed pools are rigid which makes them a good choice for sandy soils. They are stronger than the liner pond and their sides usually more upright. There is also less likelihood for damage to be done by dogs or other animals jumping in.

How can I put a waterfall in my rock garden?

Adding a waterfall to your pond

If you have a rock garden, you can easily construct a stream or waterfall leading to the pool. If you want a waterfall, you'll need a submersible pump. The size you choose will depend on the volume of water you want to move and the height you want to pump it. Also, you will need accessibility to a nearby exterior electrical source.

How do you “plant” a pond?

How to plant a pond

If your pond is new, fill it with water and leave it for 4 or 5 days before planting to allow the sun to burn off the chlorine and warm the water. To start the ecosystem, add some fish a few days before you set in your aquatic plants.

What are the benefits of oxygenerators in a pond?

Benefits of underwater plants

Underwater plants expel oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide and provide shelter for fish. They absorb nutrients directly through the their stems and foliage, so they do not need to be planted in soil but will need to be weighted or planted in gravel so that they can remain on the bottom of the pond.

How do “tropical” water lilies differ from hardy lilies?

Differences between hardy and tropical lilies

Tropical water lilies do best in temperatures above 21 deg. Celsius. They should not be planted out until June when danger of frost is past. They end up with a longer bloom time than hardy water lilies, because they continue to flower for a time as temperatures drop. Blooms are usually larger and more fragrant than those on the hardies and they are best treated as annuals.

Is PVC liner a good choice for my pool?

Flexible Plastic Pool Liners

One way to create a pool for your water garden is by using PVC pool liner (flexible plastic liners available at most garden centres) which has the advantage of being cut to any shape. Installation is more time consuming if you use this method compared to prefabricated pools but it is considerably less expensive. Plastic liners can also be used to line existing concrete pools that have been damaged.

Where should I put my water garden?

Placement ideas for a water garden

Plan to put your water garden where you'll enjoy it most –near a patio or walkway, as a centerpiece in your garden or off in a special quiet corner. You should also consider placing it so it could be viewed and appreciated through a window in the house.

Should I build a large or small pool?

Large or small pond?

Larger pools are easier to maintain since water temperature will not fluctuate too much and the algae will be easier to control. If you would like a pool with no plants or fish in it, you can build a small one and add chlorine to the water to prevent the growth of algae.

What are some planting suggestions for around my pond?

Large foliaged plants for shade

Around your garden pond, try planting some large leaved plants...species such as gunnera (G.manicata) and giant Japanese butterbur (Petasites japinocas var. giganteus) will provide valuable shade for fish and insects around ponds and ornamental pools.

Can aquatic plants be potted?

Potted plants in ponds

With the exception of floating plants, all the plants can be potted so that you can control planting depths, adjust positions as they grow and cut back or divide plants easily.

What plants can soften a pond’s rocky or cement edge?

Plants to soften pool edge

To soften the cement or rocky edges at the pond's edge, try planting Japanese junipers and trailing ivies.

Do plants and fish have depth requirements when placed in a pond?

Depth requirements for fish and plants

When planning a new pond that will contain plants and goldfish, surface area can be almost any size but the depth should be 12-18 inches.
Koi Carp require at least 6 to 8 feet of surface and, at least one section of the pond should be 2 ½ - 3 feet deep.

Where should I put my pool?

Building a water pool-considerations

Your water pool should be sheltered from prevailing winds and away from deciduous trees, whose leaves, tassels, etc. can fall in the pond fouling the water and cause serious problems.

What are the requirements for water lilies in a pond?

About Water Lilies

Water lilies are the best known water plant and have beautiful white, yellow, orange or red blooms. They prefer still water, so if you have a waterfall in your pond keep them at the other end. They also require 5-6 hours of sun daily, although there are some that tolerate less. Hardy water lilies can be planted in the spring when the risk of frost is over. They spread horizontally and can be separated after 2 or 3 growing seasons.

Is there a formula I can use to determine the size of liner I will nee

Formula to determine liner size

To determine the size of flexible pool liner you will need, you can use this formula:
Width: add maximum width of pool plus double the depth plus six to eight inches overlap on each side.
Length: add maximum length plus double the depth, plus six to eight inches overlap on each side.
If you are in doubt about the exact size you require, buy a little more rather than a little less.

How does algae grow in a pond?

Causes of algae growth

Factors that increase the growth of algae in a garden pond are:
Too much sunlight because of shortage of water plants to provide shade; water that is too warm because there is not enough shade or the pool is too shallow; and water that has too many dissolved nutrients on which algae thrive.

What material should I use for my pond?

Materials available for lining a garden pool

There are a number of materials available for constructing your garden pond, but cost can be a factor in determining the choice of material used. The two most popular choices are flexible plastic liners and preformed fiberglass or PVC pools.
Poured concrete pools are also an option, but with the new inexpensive materials available today, they are seldom built.

What are “marginal” plants?

Marginal plants

Marginal plants are aquatic plants that grow around the edges of the pond. They create a natural connection between the water and the land. They can be categorized as:
Plants other than lilies that tolerate having their roots submerged in shallow water, including Iris laevigata, cattail, rushes, and arrowhead;
plants that like to be wet but not completely submerged such asbog plants, including marsh marigolds; and plants that like to have wet but not waterlogged roots such as astilbe and primula.

What fish can I add to my pond to get me started?

Goldfish as a first choice

Fish help keep the ponds ecosystem in balance. A good first choice are common goldfish--they are inexpensive and multiply quickly, so you don't need too many to start.

Should a concrete pool be considered?

Concrete Pools

Concrete pools are rarely built anymore. They tend to develop leaks as the soil settles beneath them and, in cold climates, to crack from alternate freezing and thawing.

What are the names of some popular underwater plants?

Popular oxygenerators

Some popular oxygenerators are the vigorous fernlike elodea or pondweed, the bristly hornwort and the ribbonlike vallisneria.

Do water plants need sun?

Requirements for water plants

All water plants need a partially sunny location; water lilies and lotus need at least five hours of direct sunlight per day, and preferably, as much as ten hours a day.

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